
Kim Jong-hyun(depression)
3 things good about him and worth learning from him.
1.      Life is precious. (His departure reminds us to show kindness to everyone around us, even a smile means much)
2.      Even a shimmering bright star fades a little after burning for too long. (We all need time off)
3.      Suicide hurts. (Not the victim who has died hurts, but the family members, close peers etc.)
Life is not always a bed of roses, even when you catapulted yourself under the limelight and being the focus of the lens. His departure is truly disheartening, and the echo to fight depression has since been reverberating worldwide. It’s not a time to pointing our fingers to anyone regarding to this matter, but instead learn what is needed to prevent more from happening. Logan Paul’s (a famous youtuber with over 15mil subscribers) recent ‘adventure’ to the Japanese ‘Suicide Forest’ that had found/recorded a dead body hanging on the tree with him chuckled in exhilaration was truly a grave mistake to begin with. All the catcalls and controversies aside, I think he either earned a couple millions more of subscriber which lead him to become richer or he is breaking down into pieces now, every keypad-warriors had been mustering their strengths on banishing him to abyss, making it even unbearable and may even cause depression to him. Well, I do agree that he requires a certain degree of consequences for making fun of something this solemn topic of suicides, yet I feel bad for him. (But he was a jerk that collected fame from making fun of people, sincerely, he is an assholes and obnoxious previously while provoking people in his videos without bottom line.) One false step, meet the edge of the cliff, we all hate you, jump now! Hopefully this matter subsides as soon as possible, where he learn from the wrongdoings to serve better as an influencer to fight depression one day as he was a victim of ‘cyberbullying’ as well.
The world is lonely. 
How depression does come and when do you know? Personally, I think I myself might have experienced it enough to talk about, whether from studies or friendships. It feels like you never have enough spirit to commit into something. There’s these days where every kind of feeling surges in, all at once causing you to be insecure. On the contrary, some days, life just goes on, feeling’s numb, nothing……nothing at all. Seemingly, you are just a living corpse. Sleeping seems to be the best escape of all, unknowingly, falling asleep is the one of the ordeal task, you twist and turn yet never find yourself in comfort, thinking about your day, which leaves yourself in grief…you want to whine, you want to cry, but you don’t feel like it, it always seems like an invincible wall is there hindering you from the outer-world. To add salt into injury, second to falling asleep is the nightmares after you drool; unwanted dreams always barge in as if you haven’t had enough, to torment you. Ends up, you wake up with trail of tears trailing down your face. More often enough, you tell yourself you’re DONE, you want to GET OVER with it, you are LEAVING, but most of the time you don’t find the courage to really leave, but neither do you obtain the strength to STAY.
Internet is constantly reminding us, that to our solace, please seek out for help, talk to someone.
We tried! I tried. All we got from friends are:
 ‘it will get better soon! Stop overthinking!’
‘I know how you feel, trust me, I have been there.’
‘go get some naps, grab some food, you will be better, I am sure!’
Get away from world, indulge yourself in nature, that helps!
For God’s sake, we KNOW, but they just don’t work on us! If they work, why am I still need a talk with you at the moment? We get frustrated enough facing sceptism, to stop trying, because we all know where conversation will lead to. Despair. Sad. Uncared. Struggling. And in a nonchalant tone, some doesn’t even bother to care. Oh, great! Well, most people fail to realise that all we need is someone to listen, merely a heart-warming hug from people. And sometimes, all we need is someone simply to be there, not to fix anything, or do anything in particular, but just to let us feel that we are not lonely.
Suddenly, a demonic voice arises from the pit of abyss within us, resonating throughout our minds…maybe something has to happen in order for people to care for me. Maybe that’s the thought that has erupted in Kim Jong-hyun’s mind…But knowing that now means nothing, a precious life has left us, to the place where the angels live…I hope.
People tend to moan for the demised, but why not care for them while they are still on their feet? Before it’s too late? At the drop of hat, let’s all open our arms to comfort the people that are in need. After all, we all are lonely deep down, aren’t we?
You smile to mask your feelings, you act like nothing is wrong, you seek for silent because no one understands, you are torn, shattered into pieces, but you hold on, thank you for that. You are one true hero, you are not alone, in this war we will fight together.

(This is an article I wrote for my Form 6 MUET homework)

Even IG shows care!


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