Can't be more thrilled to see the arrival of lower 6!

Team form6, team volleyball CHS!
#1ways to release stress

#2 ways to release stress 
To be brief , it has been 9months in form 6, with 7 months to go! Pheww, what the heck ! I ACTUALLY SURVIVED! Well , did I ?Frankly speaking, form 6 is better than I thought to be honest ,if you have been following me from previous post, true that I complained quite a fair share of amount, which I believe I would still go on and on about it. But then , from last year until now, I had a great change of lifestyle ,like turning a green leaf!

We were all once a lazy shit ,and if you changed, there must be some sorts of actions causing effects to you. And if you haven't, great form 6 is where you should proudly devote yourself to ! Why? As a student ,we were molded, to follow a dateline (because there's always test and quizzes to cath up ), thus helping us to shape our self-disciplinary towards life, whereas as a person ,we fall, we learn, we move on, we do better. You can't be always failing yourself right ?There are three sems in form 6, failing the first sem doesn't give you a death sentence , same goes to sem2, if you work hard, nothing stands between you and the A. WE HAVE RETAKES for sem1&2 which is a blessing , because who doesn't like a second chance ?But bear in mind ,failing once might mean you are careless ,but failing twice speak volumes of your attitude towards life !

Thus, as a person ,we ought to learn perseverance throughout the obstacles we face in form 6. To be honest ,I have seen both successful people and some who are reluctant to work hard in form 6, undeniably form 6 is hard, but it isn't as hard as people describe it, and it's within everyone's ability if they put efforts.

Next ,who gain the most when you study form6? It would be you and your family ,why you? Because you don't spend as much as your peers that are in private college, even when you spend your parents money on other items, you don't feel bad !Next,why your parents? Imagine having you as children for 18 years, your everything comes from them ,take one year as rm10k, you are 18 now, and that would be rm180k total to take care of you. For instant, a course/foundation /diploma cost us about rm10-50k, top up with university 4 years about rm100k cheapest ,total up roughly rm120k ,there there ,do you see it now? On the bright side, spending the government money on tertiary education is so much wiser, your parents ,no OUR PARENTS PAID TAXES, it's only right for us to take it back through ANY SOURCES!

Enough said !The ball is in your court ,make a call !


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